Monday, March 30, 2009

Session # 13: Organization, Management, and Record-Keeping in Online Courses

In session #13, Nancy Melser will lead a sharing session on organization, management, and record-keeping in online courses.

Please bring any instruments, techniques, or tried-and true ideas that you would like to share with others.

Join us on April 20th at 11:00 in TC 217 for LTTO Session #13.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Session #12: Summary

We began session #12 with a description of the new "Frankenstein" cart that will enable instructors to capture audio and video of lectures, presentations, class discussions, etc. Contact Jerry Case if you would like to know more.

Next, Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk described a project she is using in her EDEL 351 courses. Project Snapshot documents her students' teaching and learning, as well as serves as a family communication tool about children's learning. Eva discussed ways that she uses the Carnegie Gallery of Teaching and Learning to support what students are learning in undergraduate and graduate courses. This site offers many possibilities for documenting what our students are teaching.

Finally, John Burton presented a model for rapidly growing our graduate online enrollment. We asked John some questions and had a discussion about how this would work in our department. If you were unable to attend the meeting, please e-mail me, and I will send the proposal to you. Post any comments you have about it on the blog. (Click on the text just below this entry that says "comments".) You can also e-mail me with comments. I will collate our thoughts and submit them to Jim. Please comment immediately, because John wants to quickly move forward on this.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

LTTO Session #12: A Project Using the Carnegie Gallery of Teaching & Learnng

In session #12, Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk will present Project Snapshot. This is a project she completed with EDEL 351. She and her students used the Carnegie Gallery of Teaching & Learning to showcase their projects. They also created a web page to increase family involvement.

In addition, Jerry Case will do a brief orientation on how to use the new cart for audio and video capture of lectures, etc.

Join us on March 26th at 1:00 in TC 211B for LTTO Session #12.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Session #11: Summary

In session #11, Susan shared an FAQ page about our graduate program and a wiki for sharing resources related to online teaching. Next, we viewed the seminar, Using a Template to Assist Faculty in Online Course Development. We stopped the seminar occasionally to discuss features of the template. The group suggested that Susan put together a demo course that faculty members could use as an example when they develop online courses.

If you missed the session and would like to view it, please see Karen for the DVD. The handouts can be downloaded from the DVD.