Course Materials TransferSession #15 began with the introduction of Joel Whitesel, Associate Director of Students Services, Online & Distance Education in the School of Extended Education. Joel explained that the best way for us to transfer our online course materials would be for us to make sure that all of the course materials are in Blackboard. That way, the SEE can help the course facilitators with any problems, and there would be some consistency from one course to another.
There was a concern that we may not have much time to prepare our materials for transfer, so we will devote our next meeting to how to use the Assignment and Assessment tools in Blackboard.
Faculty Stipends
The faculty who attended the meeting agreed that they would like the stipends that will come to the department for each online course to come to them. That is, all of the $1000 per course would be given to the faculty member who is responsible for mentoring the facilitator. This stipend might be considered as payment for the use of faculty members' course materials as well as payment for mentoring the facilitator. If the faculty member does an unsatisfactory job of mentoring, the chair would not assign that faculty as a mentor in the future, and thus, would not generate additional sections of that faculty member's courses.
Ten Week SemestersThe group discussed having 10-week semesters for the online courses. The Fall Semester would begin after Labor Day and run for 10 weeks. The Spring Semester would start at the regular time in January and include 10 weeks of class. Faculty could decide if they wanted to take BSU's Spring Break or hold class during that time. The Summer Semester would start at the regular time and run for 10 weeks. It is believed that even though this does not shorten the program for students, the idea that the courses are 10 weeks long may assist in marketing the program.
Policy ChangeWhether to change the department policy to allow people with Master's degrees to serve as course facilitators was discussed. The group was in agreement that we will need to change this policy, or we will not be able to find people to teach the online courses.
Next MeetingThe next meeting will be on October 19th at 11:00 in TC 217.