We began the January session by watching a short introduction to voicethread. Next, we tinkered with some of the management features a bit and discovered that although voicethread is very easy to use, there are some things to learn about how to manage your account, set up groups, and moderate comments. Our voicethread discussion wrapped up with us talking about various ways to use the tool to foster learning and community in online courses. Many of us are using voicethread in our courses this semester. Please add a comment to this blog entry and tell us about your voicethread successes (or cautions).
The group had a very lively discussion about The Brain Gap, the topic of Chapter 2 in the iBrain book. We shared many anecdotes about ourselves, our children, and our students that demonstrated how the brain gap is evidenced in our lives. We speculated on what society will value in the future in terms of the ways people interact and communicate.
P.S. There are some great tutorials on Lynda.com. Unfortunately, you must be on campus to access them.
Announcements and summaries of LTTO sessions held in the Department of Elementary Education at Ball State University
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Session #22: iBrain Book Discussion

The session will be on Thursday, January 20th from 10:00-11:00 in the second floor conference room.
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