Our guests for session #18 were Chris Cardona, Lynne Niclair, and Kevin Davis from Pearson.
Chris took us on a tour of one of the fully developed online courses Pearson has developed. The course content of each of Pearson's online courses is designed with the same template, so each course has a similar format. There are videos, discussion questions, assignments, projects, and rubrics for each course. These courses are ready to go and fully available to any instructor who adopts a Pearson text for her/his course. Please contact Chris if you want access to the content.
Next, Kevin showed Building Teaching Skills and Dispositions from MyEducationLab, which includes course- specific or text-specific activities. Pearson also has TeacherPrep available as a resource for students.
The group talked briefly about options for textbook content, including eBook versions of Pearson texts. For most of the texts Pearson offers, individual chapters could be linked to modules so that students would have e-versions of the materials within each module. Students could purchase access to these chapters for one year or several years. Students could build their own virtual library of Pearson texts and be able to use highlight functions, notetaking, as well as search across all the books in their library.
Chris said he is interested in talking to individual faculty members who wish to use Pearson content. He is also very interested in talking to program area leaders about how Pearson can work with programs to develop and deliver content. Please contact Chris if you are interested.
Thanks to Chris, Lynne, Kevin for the presentation and for providing lunch.
Our next session will be on March 25th at 1:00 in TC 217.
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