Thursday, November 20, 2008

LTTO Session #9: Summary

Jill Miels began the session by describing her work on the ATE Technology and the Future of Teacher Education Standing Committee. She shared a grid listing the NETS for Students, NETS for Teachers, 21st Century Skills, and TPaCK (Technology, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) Skills. Jill distributed two teaching/learning scenarios about what learning could look like with extensive use of technology. The group discussed the interface between the grid and the scenarios.

Next, Jill showed a graphic of a networked teacher and a traditional teacher and talked about the differences.

Finally, a School 2.0 Learning Ecosystem graphic was shown and discussion ensued about how we prepare teachers for the schools of the 21st Century.

You may access a podcast of the session here. You will see that I need much more practice making podcasts!

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